Monday, August 30, 2010


"Here It Is As Promised"

Hello, Andy here with that fantastic
detox product that is probably sitting
on your kitchen shelf right now.

You have probably guessed what it is
NAHCO3 "Bicarbonate Of Soda"!
Many of the most potent cures on earth,
including Cancer contains at least one of these

Bicarbonate of soda, Cesium Chloride, Calcium  and Vitamin C 

All four of these substances turn alkaline inside the body.

Antacid: use about a teaspoon of bicarb in a  cup of water and drink.

Burns: apply a thick paste of bicarb and water over the burn and cover with gauze.

Cold sores: make a paste of bicarb and water and apply twice a day to affected areas.

Deodorant: pat some pure bicarb powder under armpits for a natural deodorant.

Face & Body: mix bicarb and water and use as a scrub.

 Hair: dissolve one tablespoon of   bicarb in a cup of water,pour onto scalp, rinse with clean water for a surprising result.

Itching Mosquito bites: make a paste of bicarb and water and apply to the bites.

Bee Stings: apply a paste of bicarb and water.

Pimples and Spots: apply a paste of bicarb and water overnight and rinse off.

Toothpaste: make a thick paste of bicarb and water and use like regular toothpaste.

Teeth Whitening: forget expensive whitening powders and pastes, use bicarb and water.

The list of health benefits is endless so keep returning for more information.

"The next feature will be about "bicarb the Cancer cure".